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Session 1: Everyone Has A Spiritual Gift

The lesson focussed on 1 Corinthians Chapter 12. Read it now before you read any further on this post.

From the reading, it states very clearly that each true follower of Jesus will have at least one spiritual gift, which is given by God to whom he wishes. We can't choose. Don't know why God does it this way, but you can rest assured he knows what he is doing especially if you've given a gift you don't exactly like. So you just have to "work it" and see what God reveals.

Also, his purpose of giving us spiritual gifts is for the "common good" ie to use to help and serve everyone, including people you don't get along with but are also followers of Jesus.

As you read the list of gifts mentioned by Paul in this passage it isn't so much about searching for one that fits you or you recognise in others but to help you understand we each have a role to play in the body of Christ and that no one part is better than the other. Read v22-26 slowly and digest what it says there. Every part is important.

So as we go around observing other followers of Jesus around us, do we honestly appreciate everyone in what they do? Do we only affirm the more "glamour" gifts for those who can sing well, preach well, teach well and not those who may do more administrative stuff like flower arrangement, organising the flyers or even arranging chairs for a meeting? Do we see that every person, big or small, loud or quiet, young or old, have a role to play in the Body of Christ?

For context, the Corinthian Christians were very spiritual and they operated spiritual gifts but they started to elevate some gifts more than others and Paul wrote to them telling them as directly as possible in Chapter 12 that we all - all the individual parts - make up the Body of Christ. No one is more important than the rest and no one can and should claim glory for the gifts they have. All are important.

So this is in a nutshell what the first sessions was all about. Next week is our Outreach night so no lesson on DYSG. Do keep me in prayer and also for all those who will be attending subsequent lessons on this topic. I hope this study helps you grow as a Christian and help you know the areas of service you have been gifted to serve in.

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