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Session 8: Spiritual Gifts and the Workplace

In this session we looked at the lives of two men who were instrumental in the building of the tabernacle or tent where God would reside and be with his people, and how Spiritual Gifts can play a part in our work lives and work place. Bezalel and Oholiab are mentioned predominantly in the passages of Exodus (Read Exodus31: 1-11; 35:4-19 and 35:30 - 36:7) with the building of the tabernacle after the Israelites escaped from Egypt. During this time they were given the 10 Commandments and then was instructed to build the tent for God to dwell with the people continuously. Both men were gifted by God to be able to create what God wanted in the tabernacle. Bezalel was given through the Spirit three qualities that were added to his natural abilities - skill, ability and knowledge. These qualities in the original language means 1) wisdom - to understand and envision what is needed. 2) discernment - the talent for solving problems and 3) skill - experienced hands. In the Old Testament, wisdom is not merely information accumulated but practical intelligence for daily affairs of life. “Skill” is knowledge gained by experience. Thus the skills of these men were not simply by “magic” but more like knowing their ability and honing their craft over the years. The “enhancements” given to both men, enabled them to do their work with much joy and satisfaction. In Chapter 36 verse 2, it says “And Moses called Bezalel and Oholiab and every craftsman in whose mind the Lord had put skill, everyone whose heart stirred him up to come to do the work.”

Here we see the motivation to do the work on the tent and other matters was a stirring in the heart for the work. I believe this is more than just emotion but a sober and accurate understanding of specific talents, experience and giftings. Besides the “easiness” to doing something, one can also discern talents and giftings from feedback from others.

Hard work and dedication are required but if one is doing something that God has not only given you natural ability but further enhances it with his Spiritual Gifts, then what you do will give you great satisfaction and purpose. While our spiritual gifts are to edify the members of the body, it can also help us reap satisfaction from the work we do in knowing that we are doing work that God has given to us to do. This can mitigate the pain and the unhappiness when we are not appreciated for the contributions made at work or are let down by colleagues and managers. Also, work should not be out idol or where we find identity, as some are prone to do so since it takes up a huge chunk of our lives.

So maybe we need to take a helicopter or in today’s more hip metaphor, a drone view of what we are doing so that we can understand that God is sovereign over our work lives and that everything that we go through in the office or work that we do has a purpose and reason for it. Pray that God will reveal to you His will for you in the work that you do and also pray that the Spiritual Gifts you have align with what you do so that you can find satisfaction in what you do even if you are struggling at your company and find it hard to deal with certain people there. End of the day, trust that God is sovereign and that ultimately, He will guide you to where you must be.

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